Thank you for making the fall fundraiser a wonderful success

July 8, 2024

The Tiffany Shackelford Foundation team wants to thank everyone that supported and attended its first annual fundraiser wine reception Oct. 14 in Alexandria, Va. 

There was a wonderful community vibe at UnWined as we kicked off the evening with a VIP wine tasting. To help us celebrate Tiffany’s fondness for bourbon, we also enjoyed a specially crafted bourbon cocktail. 

Aaron and Sam Castelo

As the evening turned from wine tasting to reconnecting, sharing Tiffany stories and creating new memories, it truly felt like a celebration Tiffany would be honored to call her own. It was also an opportunity to share progress on the work the Foundation is doing to elevate women leaders through the Shackelford Shines stipends and the Online News Association’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator.  And the evening wouldn’t have been complete without “purse bourbon” in the form of some highly decorative Tiffany-esque flasks, as well as some of her actual scarves, both of which were given away as door prizes as a celebration of Tiffany, the Foundation, the evening, and all of our friends and attendees. 

The Foundation team is so grateful to those of you who supported this event. Stay tuned for updates on Foundation efforts in the coming months. We hope to see you at the next event!

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